I’ve created an app that integrations with Notion that you can use to track your expenses.
The app uses Notion to store its data in two databases Expenses and Budget. The records in Budget are categories of spending and a monthly target. Expenses have a relation called Category that references the items in Budget.
You may add properties to these databases, but the app will not work if you rename any of the existing properties: “Amount”, “Category”, “Name”, “Date”.
To add the the app to your workspace, copy this template.
Then connect the KDD integration to your Notion account. Authorise KDD to access the database pages you added from the template.
Once you have authorised KDD to access your Notion workspace, configure the app’s settings.
Get the URL of the respective database by clicking “Copy link” in the menu on the top right corner of the page or right-hand navigation pane. The Notion ID of the page is automatically extracted when you paste the link into the form.
Set up a month budget by deciding on a set of categories that covers all your expenses. Add these to the Budget databases with your target monthly spend as a negative value in the Amount property. Add entries for income with positive values. The sum at the bottom of the Amount column will indicate your expected surplus or deficit each month.
Each time you spend money, add a page to the Expenses database. For convenience, you may use this form:
You can install the expenses form as an app on your Android phone. You need to be logged in to your Notion account in Chrome. Visit https://karmadrivendevelopment.org/apps/budget/expense in the phone’s browser then select “Add to home screen” from the menu.